Monday, December 7, 2009

Pyramid Head Jam

It´s monday, and a new jam was made in my office. This time with less participants, but it was still enjoyable.

Pyramid Head from Silent Hill series is the theme of this Jam:

Pyramid Head by David Baf

Pyramid Head by Daniel Lezama (cambur xp)

Pyramid Head by Paul Pereda

NEWCOMER!!! PABLO PEMOCHE!!!. A friend programmer from the office who decide to join the Jam!!!

Cone(?) Head by Pablo Pemoche

Pyramid Head by Luis Miguel Blanco

And this was my piece for the jam:

Pyramid Head by Guillermo Biasini


  1. Definitivamente el ganador es Luis M. jaja

  2. El de Guille es tan raro y llamativo que me quedo con ese. Guille otra vez... :-D

  3. El de guille es tan frito q voto por ese

  4. Todos están geniales! pero mi voto va para LM pq me sigue sorprendiendo jeje
